Sunday, March 17, 2013

Nail Beads Review

 I personally love these! I recently started using these, no seriously I have them on my nails drying. I have never actually used this brand of nail beads but since I couldn't find a picture of the one I used so I am using this picture. Theirs probably works just as good as the one I used! So the good part about the nail beads is that they look very cool. They also are somewhat easy to clean up. They also add a texture to your design! In my opinion you should never put these all over your nails (unless it is one finger) you should just put it as an accent on your nails. The bad part about using this is that it goes everywhere, even if you are careful it just goes everywhere! One more thing that i hate about these are that you can't even put clear on them! If you don't believe then I dare you try it! When you put clear on it the colors from the beads smears! I just learned that! And it made me so mad because I had to redo the whole fricken nail! I say "fricken" only because that was the most frustrating part ever because I had to set every thing back up! It was just plain annoying so to close this up my rating is...


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