As you know I do shout outs. This post will kind of be like that. I would like to thank everyone who looked at my website, who told there friends about it, and basically everyone who helped me be where I am today! The reason I am making this post is because I can look at my stats on my blog which means I see how many people visit it everyday. And so far I have 460 page views! Also another reason I 'm doing this post is because I appreciate the non-hate enviroment on my website because honestly I make no money from this website, I just have it to share my talent with the world! And possibly bring out your inner artist! I know I am not that famous but even 1 page view means a lot because it means some one saw my art! So I will keep you peeps posted on the stats! Don't forget to tell your friends about me if they like nails! If you have any requests or pictures of your nails you want me to post then email me at manderzan@gmail.com.Again Thank You All for Your Support!!!! I Appreciate it!!!!!
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